ABS issues approval in principle for design of ammonia FPSO

**ABS Greenlights Samsung Heavy Industries’ Innovative Ammonia FPSO Design**

Ammonia FPSO

The American Bureau of Shipping (ABS) has recently issued an Approval in Principle (AIP) to Samsung Heavy Industries (SHI) for its groundbreaking design of an ammonia floating production storage and offloading (FPSO) unit, titled *Samsung Ammonia Blue*.

### Overview of the Project

Samsung Heavy Industries has been at the forefront of developing innovative solutions for the marine energy industry. The latest approval from ABS underscores the company’s commitment to sustainability and efficiency. The *Samsung Ammonia Blue* FPSO design aims to significantly reduce carbon emissions by using ammonia as a primary fuel. This concept leverages the rising trend of alternative fuels in the energy transition.

### Design Highlights

– **Advanced Safety Components**: The design incorporates advanced safety features to ensure the highest level of reliability and safety. These components are designed to mitigate any potential risks associated with handling and storing ammonia.
– **Production Capacity**: The expected production capacity of the *Samsung Ammonia Blue* FPSO stands at 1.2 million tonnes per annum of ammonia. This impressive capacity highlights the potential for large-scale ammonia production from FPSOs.
– **Design Reviews**: ABS completed thorough design reviews of the topside process, interface system, and layout to ensure compliance with class and statutory requirements. These reviews reflect ABS’s commitment to setting industry standards for safety and efficiency.

### Industry Significance

The adoption of ammonia as a fuel is gaining momentum in the maritime sector. Ammonia offers a promising solution for containing and carrying hydrogen, which is crucial for marine vessels looking to transition to cleaner energy sources. As the world moves towards decarbonization, innovative designs like *Samsung Ammonia Blue* are poised to play a significant role in this transition.

The approval from ABS signifies not only the technical excellence of *Samsung Ammonia Blue* but also its potential to contribute significantly to the reduction of carbon emissions in the marine industry.

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