Lưu trữ danh mục: Offshore World News
OMV discovers gas in Norwegian Sea, to consider tieback to Aasta Hansteen
The partners will evaluate the discovery as a potential subsea tieback to Aasta Hansteen spar [...]
OMV discovers gas in Norwegian Sea, to consider tieback to Aasta Hansteen
The partners will evaluate the discovery as a potential subsea tieback to Aasta Hansteen spar [...]
OMV discovers gas in Norwegian Sea, to consider tieback to Aasta Hansteen
The partners will evaluate the discovery as a potential subsea tieback to Aasta Hansteen spar [...]
OMV discovers gas in Norwegian Sea, to consider tieback to Aasta Hansteen
The partners will evaluate the discovery as a potential subsea tieback to Aasta Hansteen spar [...]
OMV discovers gas in Norwegian Sea, to consider tieback to Aasta Hansteen
The partners will evaluate the discovery as a potential subsea tieback to Aasta Hansteen spar [...]
OMV discovers gas in Norwegian Sea, to consider tieback to Aasta Hansteen
The partners will evaluate the discovery as a potential subsea tieback to Aasta Hansteen spar [...]
OMV discovers gas in Norwegian Sea, to consider tieback to Aasta Hansteen
The partners will evaluate the discovery as a potential subsea tieback to Aasta Hansteen spar [...]
Court orders federal agency to better protect Rice’s whales from oil, gas drilling in Gulf of Mexico
A court said the National Marine Fisheries Service’s biological opinion for oil and gas drilling [...]
Court orders federal agency to better protect Rice’s whales from oil, gas drilling in Gulf of Mexico
A court said the National Marine Fisheries Service’s biological opinion for oil and gas drilling [...]
Court orders federal agency to better protect Rice’s whales from oil, gas drilling in Gulf of Mexico
A court said the National Marine Fisheries Service’s biological opinion for oil and gas drilling [...]
Court orders federal agency to better protect Rice’s whales from oil, gas drilling in Gulf of Mexico
A court said the National Marine Fisheries Service’s biological opinion for oil and gas drilling [...]
Court orders federal agency to better protect Rice’s whales from oil, gas drilling in Gulf of Mexico
A court said the National Marine Fisheries Service’s biological opinion for oil and gas drilling [...]